Lichfield Nomads Cricket Annual General Meeting 1989 |
Minutes of 1989 Annual General Meeting October 19th
Lichfield Cricket Club
Present M Pinfield, P Willis, R Jennett, P Evans, Ingley C, Sercombe, P Fearon, S Ellison.
Apologies P Blackburn, C Rowland, M Heslington
1988 Minutes, matters arising none; approved proposed PW, second RJ. Chairmen’s Report
Good summer played in good spirit and newcomers fitted in well. Some old stagers were moving away, hopefully new members will fill these gaps. The social scene after fixtures was very good; fixture list very good. There is a need to improve finances next year.
Secretary’s Report
As Phil was relinquishing his post as secretary he thanked members of the club for their help. He would be keeping in touch. Treasurer’s Report
The accounts had not been audited as yet. There had been a problem in the switchover from MH to PW, resulting in a discrepancy of £2.35. Profit was down with a return of only £131 from the ‘50’ club, of £320, (first year?). There had been a considerable increase in pitch fees. Loss at 30 Sept was £87.76. We still owe Draycott CC £160. Transfer from D/A to cover for Holland Sports Club.
Must get ‘50’ club started as soon as possible, meeting in next two weeks. Signatories on bank form to be: PW, MP, and PP.
Membership Fees Agreed on £10 to be paid by 31st January 1990.
Social Report
Pete Gardner, having by now turned up, requested report on
‘Curry gate’ scandal. Annual Dinner very good, even managed so get money correct at end. Proposed to hold it again at George and Dragon. Vote of thanks is to be sent. There is possibility of holding barbecue at National Trust venue of Ellison Towers.
Sports Quiz
Didn’t have one because 1) RSPB matters 2) Evans bottled out
PW to help organize the next quiz. 12 teams.
Captain’s Report
Won 7 Lost 11 Drawn 2
Outclassed by some teams, but we didn’t do justice in many cases. Batting brittle except PG. Vital catches dropped proved crucial. Bowling tight but lacks variety and ability to ‘run through sides’. There was much enthusiasm, making it easier to field teams. Good debut from Jim Healy. Fielding OK but throwing terrible! Most of close games won through keenness. Playing in a higher standard of cricket, therefore more problems. At this point there was a major interruption when Sercombe kicked the table.
Have we to balance pitch hire against hire costs?
Draycott venue agreed but possible increase to £30 next year.
MP and RJ to attend their AGM.
Aim for 12 home fixtures.
Best list ever, none abandon due to bad weather. A Midland C.C.C. application form was read in detail, until 1st March to join.
Possible No’s were I Sumner and D Adam. Fisherwick players would be offered the opportunity to join. Aitken Hussein as well.
Wyndley definitely no. Friary nets 6 to 7 pm, probably 2nd week Jan, secretary to be notified.
Fund Raising
To be discussed under AOB. Pontoon tickets still in RJs wardrobe.
Report produced, nothing needed. Must take more care at end of games. Match balls.
Unlikely to raise a team for a 2-match weekend.
Look more to occasional ‘long away’ fixtures.
Hasn’t done much this year. Everything worked OK. Thanks to Gary and Ray. Success of teas. Try to improve rota for looking after pitches.
(This was still left to 4 or 5 people)
Election of Officers
All agreed, and Mr. J Healy was volunteered by Mr. Ellison as Kit master.
S Ellison and Ken the Bank.
Last Update: 20th November 2000