Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club. Last Update 22nd January 2025. 50 Club Announcement. Indoor nets announcement.

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50 Club Announcment
With the nights slowly getting shorter and winter nets approaching the 2025 cricket season will be with us before we know it, which means it is time to launch the 2025 version of the Nomads annual fundraising scheme 'The 50 Club'.
For those not familiar, the 50 club is a yearly fundraising scheme where 50 numbers are sold to club members and families to then be entered into a variety of prize draws with cash prizes awarded to the winning number holders. It has been known as the 75 club (featuring 75 numbers) over the last few years however it was agreed at the recent AGM to revert back to the long running tradition of a 50 number scheme due to an excessive number of club numbers and unpopular amount of club number wins.
The main changes mean a reduction of available numbers from 75 to 50 and a removal of third prizes - so essentially 1/3 less competition but 1/3 fewer prizes so chances of winning remain very much the same as before.
As well as being a bit of fun and a potential way to win a bit of cash the 50 club is a vital way of supporting the running of our club as some of the entry fees go towards boosting the club budget. This helps cover some of our running costs and has previously been used for a few extras such as fuel contributions for some of the longer away trips / money behind the bar at club events.
The rules are essentially: A number costs £20. Once purchased, this number is yours for the season and will be entered for all prize draws so you can sit back and wait for the money to roll in.
There are 8 prize draws in total; a start of season draw, an end of season draw and a monthly draw for each of the months we play cricket in (April - September)
Each draw has a 1st and a 2nd prize - value of said prizes is consistent across the months with bumper prizes at the start and end of season
Given the reduction in numbers I will initially limit sales to 2 numbers per person, however may remove this cap dependent on how sales go
Please let me know if you wish to purchase a number or two so I can keep track, and then transfer the value of £20 per number to the club account (with 50 club in the reference to keep Captain Loxley happy!)
Really hoping we can get all 50 numbers sold this year so we can guarantee the club some income and remove the risk of the dreaded club number win!

Let me know if you need any clarifications, thanks in advance for your support
21 Jan 2025


Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club - Winter Indoor Nets
Following an extensive search of 6-7 options, our winter net sessions will run every Thursday evening from 7:30pm to 9pm starting on 30th January 2025 until 8th May 2025, inclusive. Even during school holidays, so 15 consecutive weeks.

The address is -
Cannock Chase High School
Hednesford Road
WS11 1JT
We will be in the sports hall.
Nets fee will remain £3.00 per person per session.
Plan is for this to be collected via bank transfer in May to avoid a myriad of transactions, so we will keep a list of attendees.

Any questions drop me a note, otherwise hope to see as many there as possible on 30th.
LNCC Secretary
13 Jan 2025


Jon Loxley wins Nomad of the Year
The annual Lichfield Nomads Dinner and awards, took place at the Owl in Lichfield on Saturday 16th November.
This year's meal was organised by Luke Turnbull and the main prizes were as follows:
Nomad of the Year - Jon Loxley
Performance of the year - Dan Lee
Most Valuable Player - Andy Gibson
Fielder of the year - Taranpreet Singh
Golden Gonad Guard - Jules Ellis
Full details of the winners
16 Nov 2024

Updated on 20 January 2025

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Web page prepared by Paul Fearon (c) Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club 2025