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Lichfield Nomads Cricket Annual General Meeting 1990



Chairman’s Report

The season ended in the middle of August, otherwise very enjoyable. People had enjoyed playing. There had been a hard core of 6-7 players

We need to recruit more players. Thanked everyone, especially those who had officiated outside playing. Finances were solid, not brilliant, must keep 50 club going. Now is the time to approach potential members.

Secretary’s Report

A quiet season, the Chairman had taken over the responsibilities of Holland S. C.

Treasurer’s Report

P Willis

1) Figures were as at 30 Sept, end of financial year.

Net fees, not a loss at all as £96 collected and Paul had retained £32.

2) Teas included in match fees and had been subsidised.

3) Pitch hire due to last year’s £200 liability to Draycott C.C.

4) Expenses had not been submitted as at EOFY.

5) Prizes of £94, not up to date.

Season as a whole made £120. Proposed membership £10, £1 match fees, Assets £338.69


Aim for £500 to cover cost of pitches and kit. Debts all paid, subs to come. OK as long as 50 club kept going, thanked Paul for his work, a most onerous job. 3 home games lost to cancellation and probably lost money on them. Proposed any match fees discussed under pitches. Indications that teas will rise to £30. Difficulty in collecting £1.25 £1.50.

Membership fees keep at £10.

C Rowland

Pete Willis had done a difficult job after chaos

50 club.

Half of Steve George’s numbers hadn’t paid, owing £24. Much easier if £11 paid at start.

Social Secretary’s Report

Dinner well attended and successful. PW protested at having to collect money. Xmas curry suggested. Walkabout 28th Dec., Frog. 10-year anniversary May-June 1991, cricket game barbeque fancy dress ideas please. (Actual anniversary May 28th)

Captain’s Report

Inconsistent playing performance, brilliant one day, bloody awful rest of season. Best feature bowling and drinking. Win the toss, PF the only regular fast bowler. We have a bit of variety in the bowling. Batting PG and MR best, one 50 from CR. Throwing variable,


catching quite good. Few fielded well. Thanked everyone for help and advice especially MP and JH.

Until premature end to the season we were a good side, unbeaten on plastic. Milestones MP 1000 runs, RJ 50 runs.

MP thanked CS for his efforts. NP noted that fielding needed a big improvement. Have lost some good club players.


Barton - KK will raise rates for teas and pitches. We have been invited to use strip again but only until mid August; Nomads were then expendable as more money input by Rugby club at bar. Written confirmation required, outfield not very good. The artificial pitch not a bad thing, good for batting. General feeling that we get back to Holland SC. Birch Coppice and Draycott the alternatives if HSC falls through. Maybe for one off games. Plans for fixtures after mid August Gil.


Too early, 4 confirmed. MCCC to fill empty slots. GS would like to stand down, (as Fix Sec) maintain membership of MCCC.


Prospective members I Thompson, R Ward, P Walters. Guests may abuse the privilege.


Accepted 3/1 to 29/3. Check condition of mats/nets. (PW we say this every year) PB suggested fine of 20p if out bowled. EW and RJ against this, as counter productive. EW Bluecote School has net for April.


May need 2 more batting gloves plus match balls, 1 Bourne sports thigh pad. Bag is tatty. Most people have their own bats. Bourne Sports sale to be looked into.


Very enjoyable last year. Horsted Keynes a long way but worth while. SE thanked for his contacts.

Fund Raising

To be discussed at a later meeting. Quiz social event rather than FR.

Election of Officers

Chairman M Pinfield Treasurer P Willis
Secretary R Jennett Fixtures M Pinfield
Social P Gardner Kit J Healy P Blackburn
Vice Treasurer P Fearon


Proposed SE and G Atkinson (Mrs)

Date of next meeting 10 Jan 91 3.30 pm


Last Update: 21st November 2000