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Lichfield Nomads Cricket Annual General Meeting 1991


Held at


By kind permission of the Landlord



Start time 2020 hrs

Present Mark Heslington, James Healy, Mark Fellows, Ray Jennett, Pete Gardner, Pete Willis, Malcolm Pinfield, Chris Rowland, and Pete Blackburn. (In order of appearance) -

Apologies none (although the present captain of the club failed to appear)

1990 Minutes

Matters arising Finances, there was a loss not gain Minutes rather incoherent. Approved by MF, PG.

Chairman’s Report

Season was marred by the sad loss of Doug Adam, however there was a good turnout at the funeral. Better set of fixtures made playing more enjoyable. Very important to sign on new, younger members as we, i.e. the club, were growing old together. Financial the club was sound thanks to the ‘50’ club. As it is our 10th anniversary next spring we needed to make 1992 special. PG suggested a Xmas curry at this point

It was confirmed that Stewart Ellison, Phil and Judy Evans are honorary members. RJ to be retired as honorary member compulsory donation. 10-year anniversary to be main item at next meeting.

Secretary’s Report

Thanked Malcolm for all the hard work throughout the season. Better liaison with PW over MCCC required.

Treasurer’s s Report

Once again the 50 club provided over 50% of income. 1 outstanding membership would be overlooked as player took part in only 1 game. Match tees increased by £50 due to longer season and the away matches cancel out pitch fees. There was an increase in the cost of hiring pitches and PW suggested an away match fee of £2, £1 at home, (to be discussed at next meeting). Membership fee to be fixed at £10, (unemployed free MB). The donation was from the landlord of the Crown at Handsacre. The interest on deposit account ~as mYw~iTrvaY. 2 e~tasses on teas, I of £1.30 from Draycott, plus 1 other of £1.40. A number of people were lax with match fees, (PB), Rangemoor game being an example. Expenses relate to year 89-90. For the MCCC we now pay insurance, thus increase. Net hire will probably rise. Profit £136.72.

Comments We nearly achieved £500 (MP), cost of teas may rise, and thus we can only fix match fees when we know the new figures (JR/MB) JR thanked PW and PF for their work.

Social Secretary’s Report

RJ organised the dinner. 1991 was the 9th year and PG hoped next year is better. It was suggested that we book the cabaret for next year despite the fact that it kept the residents awake. 1992 annual dinner different venue, Golden Cup a suggestion.

 JH asked the club to purchase PG a diary in order that be remembers dates.

Captain’s Report

The captain was unfortunately absent.


MP had been in touch with Keith Kennedy at Holland S. C. and we had priority for the artificial strip. The facilities at Barton offered us a lot of advantages. PG suggested using Draycott again but it was pointed out that they might run 2 sides next year. Only limitation at Barton was the mid August termination of our contract. Send official letter to H.S.C. confirming home fixtures nearer the end of this year.

WE must get new carrier bags if we play at Harborne next year. (Long discussion ensued on carrier bags)


Only 3 so far.

Rangemoor general feeling not to play there, we don’t need them. MF pointed out that we have better fixtures now. PB let them contact us. General consensus that we could not raise a side to play them. Keep Stow, Rushall, Church Stretton, Tamworth and social games (John Taylor) must keep early games for practice. CR may be able to get a fixture against a CAMRA side to be played at Loughborough.


It was hoped that K Fisher would be able to play, although his work restricted his Sunday leisure. Prospective members P Waters and S Larnbert. MR said is thought that Fisherwick would play next year. We need young blood to ensure survival of the club. P and D Fryer could be available. Approach M Burton.


From January to March 1992, 8-9 pm.

Must approach Lichfield CC re outdoor nets.

More formal batting practice required.


To acquire 1 new bat, 2 pair RI-I batting gloves, new kit bag, match balls, and a pair of thigh pads. It was not necessary to purchase LH batting gloves for PG. Use of helmets was discussed and although injuries such as suffered by P Waters could have been avoided by these guards it was felt that it was a matter of personal choice.

JH/EW to investigate Bourne Sports cricket offers.


Difficult to get 2 sides together for Saturday/Sunday weekend games. Possible trip to Stow on the Saturday evening. To be discussed at next meeting.

Fund Raising

PF not present. 50 club - we must make people say if they do not wish to hold onto numbers. Cheques to PF.

Election of Officers

Chairman M Pinfield Treasurer P Willis
Secretary N Heslington Fixtures M Pinfield
Social P Gardner & R Jennett Kit        P Blackburn
Vice—Treasurer  P Fearon

MP thanked RJ for his work etc.. CR crashes fags at 9.32 pm JR to look after Burst Aid box.

MP thanked all officers. Appointment of Captain at next meeting. As we had a scoreboard at all home games it was felt unnecessary to resurrect the scoreboard committee.

Next indoors meeting 9th January 1992.


Provision of telephone numbers and players to new secretary. MF suggested on the spot fines at games for specific things; PW against. To be discussed at next meeting.

Friday Xmas drink 20th Dec Queens Head 8pm.


Last Update: 21st November 2000