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Lichfield Nomads Cricket Annual General Meeting 1992

The minutes of the 11th Annual General meeting of the club held at The Greyhound Inn on the 15th October 1992.

Meeting commenced at 8.2Opm

Those present

G Sercombe
R Jennett
A Faulkner
P Willis
P Gardner
S George
M Pinfield
P Fearon
C Rowland
M Heslington
M Fellows

1. Apologies.

P Blackburn

C Ingley

2. 1991 AGM Minutes.

2.1 Matters arising none; minutes read by M Heslington.

The Chairman had a very enjoyable season. He stated that as long as people are prepared to do work off the pitch, the club would continue to thrive. More members are still needed despite 2 useful additions. The Chairman was to stand down this year to concentrate on other things and thanked people for their support over the years. Vote of thanks for work. (This report was made in between items 6 & 7 due to circumstances beyond the Chairman’s control).

4. Secretary’s REPORT.

The secretary thanked people for their support in the SAL exercises (see appendix). He apologised for no copies of the 1991 AGM minutes at the meeting and promised not to repeat. Vote of thanks for work this year.

5. Treasurers REPORT.

5.1 (What’s the ~ vehicle damage asked S George). Finances in good health a minimal loss of~22.61 over the year. Membership subscriptions increased by 1 and 1/2 members. Net fees showed a slight decline- Match fees showed an increase due to more matches and more people paying them. Deposit a/c interest minimal. Fund raising income down due to the prizes element being taken out of profits/loss equation, this accounts for income being lower. Kit expenditure increased considerably in 1991/2. Net hire has increased due to the Sports Centre + Lichfield D.C. raising charges from £8.25 to £9. The matter of non-payment was resolved during the year. Pitch hire was not paid for the washed out game v Wall. The breakdown of the M.C.C.C. payment is as follows

£3.75 Dental
£52.50 Public Liability
£20.00 All Risks (kit)

(The remaining £17.50 is MCCC subscription)

The donation referred to Flu’s funeral, vehicle damage of~5O was paid to P Gardner for the replacement of his sunroof. The £16 was the deficit at the club dinner; (in future we will ask for the meals to be served). 2 old 5p pieces and a cheque for £7 from S George written off.

Petty cash        £17.19

Current a/c £293.94

Deposit a/c £122.37

5.3 Deferred to item 13. P Willis asked P Fearon about the float, which is £5.00, so actual loss for the year is £17.61.

Vote of thanks for valuable work done, M Pinfield

6. SOCIAL Secretary’s REPORT

6.1 Meal at Bell Inn poor. Will look elsewhere next year. No pre-ordering.

6.2 Test match was enjoyed by all who attended. Suggestion of different venue next year. Will have to organise this early, (Jan/Feb), for tickets, will be discussed at a later date. 10th anniversary drink at the Stafford Arms enjoyed by all. Vote of thanks for collecting cash at dinner to P Gardner. R Jennett and M Heslington thanked for organising dinner.

Beer break at 8.43 pm


The captain thanked M Pinfield for hard work. He also stressed importance of work off pitch. A good fixture list has been developed, and our results have been reasonable, only losing 2 Sunday games. The captain hoped to keep the same fixtures. Younger players are needed, and hopefully 2 or 3 will be available from December. The captain will hope to continue next year and win more games.

Vote of thanks from M Pinfield for years work.


Kit master not present. Temporary committee, (P Willis, J Healy, + M Heslington set up to look into kit requirements. Will report early in New Year. J Healy said some people should buy their own.

9. FIXTURE Secretary’s REPORT.

Standard about right, unfortunately Stow and Church Stretton washed out this year, a bit like half of August and most of September. There is a good framework with 7 or 8 definite and very hopeful of getting three quarters again. Consensus of opinion to keep playing until end of September.

Cricket playing sperm induced riot at 9.08 pm


No reason to change. "Facilities very good’ C Rowland, "a few cake less teas" P Gardner moaned. Artificial wicket played better than some grass pitches enthused M Pinfleld. "There are problems with no sand for filling stump holes"


Try and get new members. JH persuade them to come and join. Constitutional problem on number of members being 20. M Heslington will look into. M Pinfield proposed Life Membership for R Jennett, seconded by all present. (Lord St. John Jennett of St. Margarets). ‘Self employed not entitled to free membership belched S George at 9.16 pm.

12. NETS.

No communications received as yet, due early November. Indoor nets will be 9pm to 10pm this winter, outdoor nets ok. A demand is felt for outdoor nets in July/August will be looked into. Compulsory 10 to 15 minute fielding practice at outdoor nets.

13. ‘50’ CLUB.

£51.00 at the end of last year. Total income £508 + sixteen nets. Outstanding prizes of £30. Numbers to be reserved ASAP. Vote of thanks for this years work.

14. MCCC

14.1 MCCC membership will be continued. Personal accident insurance for all games, transportation in cars not covered. Cover in nets, indoor functions and social functions. Benefit only £4 per week off work, £1000 for injury. A maximum of £250 for breaking spectacles and dental injuries per claim. On the public liability section we are indemnified for third party. P Gardner grateful for club help in accident. Liability is £2 million. All risks cover for kit is £500.

Everybody voted to continue except one.

14.2 Not to be followed at this present time.


Chairman. R Jennett.
Secretary. M Heslington.
Treasurer. P Willis.
Fixtures. P Gardner.
Social Secretary. C Rowland.
Kit. Temporary Committee, R Jennett for Nets.

M Pinfleld thanked everybody for work, R Jennett thanked M Pinfield again and P Willis for Stats.



Last Update: 25th November 2000