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Lichfield Nomads Cricket Annual General Meeting 1993

The minutes of the 12th Annual General Meeting of the Club held at the Windmill Public House on 14th October 1993.

Meeting commenced at 8.47pm

Those present:

P Willis
P Gardner
C Rowland
R Jennett
J Healy
M Pinfield
M Smith
P Fearon
M Heslington

1. Apologies:

P Blackburn

M Fellows

2. 1992 AGM Minutes.

2.1 RJ brought up membership. MH told meeting those minutes of 26.11.92 refer.

2.2 Approved PW Seconded JH

3. Chairman’s Report.

Thanked everybody, difficult fixtures, experience counts. Pleased we have members under 30; Very important club exists into the 90’s.

4. Secretary’s Report.

Thanked everyone for their response on nomination for Captain and Nomad of the Year, very important as it gives a broad spectrum of opinion.

Net fees profit of £20.00, subs not paid D. May and G. Sercombe. Rare event to take £11 in match fees per match. People sneaking off, but we were short on occasions. Good response on teas. A £1 donation (found by M Heslington groveling on the floor at the Queens).

Pitch hire was £240.00, a demand of £180 has been received from Holland SSC and 3 from $ Crosses totals £270. Expenses were claimed by M Heslington.

There was a slight increase in MCCC insurance. A donation was made to Linda & Mack. Loss on the year of £36.00, expense will be around £100. We have reserves of £300 which have diminished by 1/3 over 2 years. JH not claim expenses. MP asked if £300 reserve included 50-club reconciliation, PW answered NO! PW and PF to do it and report at next meeting. CR stated that it is difficult to boost income when expenditure is increasing. PM stated that the financial position is better due to PG parking correctly.

6. Membership

6.1 to 1986 £5
to 1991 £7
to present £10

Vote on accepting increase of match fee to £2 and no increase on membership. Only MH against.

6.2 RJ states we need new members. MP to get SS to contact Fisherwick players. JH has got 2 definites for nets. PG suggested advertising, at Friary Grange. Problem not that serious.

7. 50 Club.

Outstanding dues £91.00. Numbers to be notified within the short term. £470.00 in, £360.00 out. Would be better if people had paid.

8. Fixtures Secretary.

29 possibles. Mid week games a problem. Keep to a maximum of 4. MP to get game with Lichfield Taverners.

9. M.C.C.C.

MP asked what do we get for this money:

£1000 for injury
£250 for glasses
£250 for teeth
£2 million for public liability

Everybody in favour of carrying on.

10. Social Secretary.

Pre Xmas social well attended, beer & blues not so well due to Fog & Ice. Test match was excellent. Dinner fairly good. (Possibly Trooper next year). Quiz still a possibility.

11. Captain’s Report.

Problem with team. Good start, bad last 2/3rds. Good personal, but not good team performances. I.e. 20 for 4 did not get to 120 for 5, not enough application. MP stated not enough people at player’s meeting; players tactically naive on occasions. (Possibility of players meeting combined with a social). RJ stated it is important that we discuss the game after the loss and before we start.

12. Kit master’s Report.

To be discussed at next meeting.

13. Pitches

Rugby post situation at HSSC to be checked, alternative is 4 Crosses. MP to sort out scoreboard & clock.

14. Nets

6.00 to 7.00 next year. JH asked if PG batted last. RJ to look after net kit and collect cash.

15. Election of Officers

Chairman RJ
Secretary MH
Treasurer PW
Vice Treasurer PF
Social Secretary CR
Fixtures PG

Kit to be done on monthly rota.

Date of next meeting Thursday 25.11.93 at 8.30 pm at the Queens


Last Update: 21st November 2000