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Lichfield Nomads Cricket Annual General Meeting 1994

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting October 20th 1994
Present:M Heslington, Darren Cartwright,P Gardner,Paul Fearon,A Hussein. C Rowland. P Willis, R Jennett
Meeting commenced at 8.44 pm

 1. Apologies

M Pinfield. S Shohet, P Blackburn, (also P Gardner for his bowling at Church Eaton)

2. Matters arising from AGM minutes 1993

2.1 Clock was bought and used. Loss for year £35.96

Minutes accepted A.H., C.R.

 3. Chairman’s Report.

Very difficult year for the club mostly due to lack of players. Most of the burden taken on by the Captain. Our cricket below par especially in the field. Future has not been assured.

Thanks go to everyone involved with the club for their work.

4. Secretary’s Report.

50 club forms not sent; MCCC Report printed new report.

5. Treasurer’s Report.

Pitch hire in 1993/94 is 92/93, bill this year is £75. Profits £139.49.

Match fees disappointing, expenditure had been minimal. Kit down £90.

Nominal interest on current~ account, Only one match were we made a profit.

MCCC insurance down.

£767.03 in assets

Looking ahead kit expenditure expected to be £200. Net hire will double if we take 2 nets.

Finance is not a problem. C Rowland commented that the balance sheet had been prepared well this season..

Recommendation of no change except nets

6.    50 Club.

7. Membership.

14 paid up members had all played. No increase in fee.

Possibilities for next seasons players are

J.H. no
M.S. no
G.S. no
A.F. yes
R.J. only occasionally
N.T. possible
P.W. yes
C.I. only £10 ?
M.S. possible
R.I. Lichfield
K.C. possible
P.B. yes

a letter to be sent out by Chairman and discussed at November meeting.

8. Fixtures Secretary’s Report

3 fixtures for 1995 already. Tamworth want us twice, Clebelands keen. Do we want to keep same number of fixtures. 2 midweek fixtures, Plough & Harrow plus J.T.H.S. Will carry on as before.

9. Social Secretary’s Report

Most people enjoyed the dinner. May look at the Trooper next year as service at the Dog not good. Test match very good apart from the Bottle of wine fiasco (CR). TTBB and curry amazing. Edgbaston next year. Quiz night fairly well received, to be repeated. Summer BBQ to be looked at.

10. M.C.C.C.

Report to be put in. Better deal for insurance payouts , good facility. Bureau used S times with useful contacts.

11. Captains Report.

23 players used. Fixtures Ok, batting Ok, bowling and fielding not good. Never the same team twice. Will not be standing next year.

12. Kitmasters Report.

Kit will be discussed at the November meeting. Monthly rota almost worked, to be kept on.

13. Pitches.

O.K., no problems with the rugby posts. Try and play at home more.

14. Nets.

M.H. to investigate 2 nets. Outdoor nets essential.

15. Election of Officers.

For the forthcoming season

Chairman R Jennett
Secretary M Heslington
Treasurer P Willis
Vice treasurer P Fearon
Social Sec. C Rowland
Fixtures Sec .P Gardner
Kitmaster Rota

16. AOB.

Chairman is senile

Date of next meeting 24.11.94 at the Greyhound PH 8.3Opm Meeting closed at 10.39 pm


Last Update: 21st November 2000