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Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club: Annual General Meeting 1996


The minutes of the Fifteenth Annual General Meeting of the Club held at the George IV Public House Lichfield on October 30th l996. Meeting commenced at 8.36pm

Present: C Rowland, R Ings, M Pinfield, R Jennett, P Willis, P Gardner, K Greaves, M Heslington, and P Fearon

1.  Apologies.


2.  Matters arising from 1995 minutes.

2.1 None
2.2 Minutes approved MP Seconded PW


3.  Chairman’s Report.

Thanked the club’s officers for their considerable efforts during the season. The second half of the season had been difficult, team selection being a problem. It appears season may be too long, and older members have domestic commitments. He felt that with only 11 paid members it may be a problem but remains optimistic. The statistics produced by PW are very good.

4.  Secretary’s Report.

The secretary thanked the Chairman for his support. RI suggested meeting notification for the Lichfield Mercury. Also put notification of nets in the paper to attract other members. Report for the season to be filed with M.C.C.C. A standard agenda will be used from now on at monthly meetings.

5Treasurers Report.

A loss of £89 on the years trading directly attributable to membership subs not paid. Nets paid for themselves. Match fee deficiency due to non-collection at 3 games. Bank interest nominal. Paid out £203 for kit for the new season, (alright Dave, sound mate). PW thanked PF for ~50’ club efforts. Match fees and membership not to change. If another loss does occur the situation will be reviewed.

6.  50 Club.

Less numbers sold last year, payment however was better. Bulk of last year’s bad debts paid. Response has been received from letter sent out in October. Last year 6 numbers were not taken but 3 new numbers have been issued. RI thanked PF for his work.

7. Membership.

Only 11 paid up members. RI said we must start to angle a drive toward a younger membership. MP said at least 5 to 6 new people needed. There are some players not playing next year. Most of Nomads defeats are due to numbers on the field. Will be discussed further at November meeting. Beer break 9.25pm

8.  Fixtures Secretary’s Report.

5 possible fixtures already. All weeks taken last year. A debate ensued with regard to the start and termination of season: PW proposed that season ended before August Bank Holiday and only play Wall game, (afterwards). Proposal amended to say last game be third Sunday in September, proposal carried. Suggestion from MP that we do not fill in gaps that appear when fixture collation complete, maybe look at playing strength before going into pool. Season to start 21.4.96 (‘?????), only start week before if its Swynnerton.

9.  Social Secretary’s Report.

Annual Dinner and Test match were good. Dinner venue to remain the same. The skittles night was a success. Social events will be organized by CR. Xmas event to be discussed at next meeting.

10.  Test Match.

Notification expected at next meeting. Members to pay by that meeting and chequebooks bought as well.

Seats to be in the Priory Stand.

11.  MCCC

RI proposed we continue to use M.C.C.C. services: MH to put in report by 10.11.96

12.  Captains Report.

When we had a full strength side the team performed well. Strong batting side, missed CR’s bowling, lacked another strike bowler. Attitude was excellent, fielding could be better. People do think more about the game. Running between wickets much better. We did lose games through dropped catches. RJ thanked MP and also back up from PG: CR stated that MP took over captaincy at a difficult time and steered it well.

13.  Kit master’s Report.

RI has inventory of kit, and is prepared to look after winter kit. It is important that it is looked after.

14. Pitches.

Barton has improved, sightscreens and a scoreboard. Cannock is a good alternative.

15. Nets.

MH to report times and dates at November meeting. Outdoor nets to be discussed later.

16. Election of Officers.

Chairman R Jennett Proposed MH seconded MP
Secretary M Heslington ProposedRI seconded MP
Treasurer P Willis Proposed MP seconded RI
Vice Treasurer P Fearon Proposed PW seconded MH
Social Secretary C Rowland Proposed MP seconded PW
Fixtures P Gardner Proposed RJ seconded MH

17.  AOB.

CR match reports have been excellent. PW scorebook duties are well organised

Date of next meeting 30.11.96


28th November 2000