Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club Annual General Meeting Minutes 2011

Minutes of the 30th Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club Annual General Meeting held at the Malt Public House, on 17th November 2011.

Present: PF, KS, IH, DF, PG, PB, MP, KC, MH, LW, DB, KG, NW, JH.

Apologies: None.

Meeting commenced 8.12pm.

Approval of the 2010 AGM minutes.
Proposed KS.
Seconded DF.

Chairman’s Report.
MP thanked all in attendance and said “It’s a pleasure to be Chairman”. All the Officers doing their jobs. LW did well to recover the season.

Financial Report.
DF‘s financial report was distributed. DF said that the biggest difference was the indoor nets where the cost went down. Funds now stand at over £2500.00 and DF asked the meeting what the Club wanted to do with it? DF then went through his reports notes and said that only 17No memberships had been received. No payment has yet been made to Wall CC for the outdoor Nets, the cost being £140.00. There were two deficit matches, Chairman’s XI fixture and Woore CC away. DF suggested raising the mileage for expenses from 12p to 15p per mile and MP accepted this after offering it to the meeting. The Test match ticket purchase was a loss maker. MP thanked DF for “Par excellence”

Secretary’s Report.
The 2010 minutes were sent to the website last October but were not put on. A questionnaire was completed regarding the Lichfield District Council playing pitch strategy, which in essence asked, if they provided a pitch in the area, would we use it, the reply was yes. MP thanked MH for his work

Captains Report.
LW had no selection problems, his own availability was however limited. Blyhte Bridge was a good game “We came back and won that game” MP appreciated LW’s commitment

50 Club report.
PF distributed 50 club accounts. No club numbers won. Debtors currently stand at £163.00 minus MP’s payment. MP asked how many numbers have been taken, the reply was most are. MP pointed out that the Club does not pursue as often as it should. IH said that payment should be made as the 50 club was voluntary. MP, who stated that the receipts from the 50 Club had sustained the Club in the past, thanked PF for all his efforts.

Fixtures and Pitches Report
2011 had 25 weekends, 2012 will have 26 and the last game will be on 30.09.2012. Two of the long distance games to be dropped with Bugbrooke CC to be kept. KS has contacted Hammerwich CC about the pitch and is awaiting a reply. A tour in Cambridge has been arranged for the weekend of 14/15 July. JH has a possible 20/20 fixture against Burton Bridge, 6.00pm start at Walton on Trent. New fixtures will freshen things up. MP said an approach has been made to Whittington CC for outdoor nets and Home fixtures. Whittington CC has approached their Parish council regarding this. DF asked about facilities and the meeting was informed that there was a club house and square. PG said that the Ground was fine and the Nets are good. No costs are available but MP to liaise with KS. PG asked KS about the pursuing of local fixtures and KS was on the case. MP gave big thanks for KS’s efforts.

Net facility Report.
After initially offering indoor nets for 2011, the Friary Leisure centre withdrew their facilities at the beginning of December 2010, this caused a problem. The club delegated PG to locate indoor nets and he succeeded in finding facilities at Meadowhall in Burton. This winter the Club will return to The Friary and at a negotiated cost of £466.62. The outdoor nets at Wall CC came in for criticism during the summer and new facilities will hopefully be lined up.

Kit Report.
No audit has taken place. The match kit is sufficient, including match balls but will need first aid top up and possibly a score book. The net kit may need net balls, IH will source these.

Social Report
IH has expressed an interest in being a social second as the “Club has suffered” from not having someone to organise events. Hopefully this year “stuff will get sorted”. Whilst the Club netted in Burton, a flyer was obtained for the skittles at the Burton Bridge Brewery by DF. This will now be the Pre season social and at £7.00 per person will take place on 30.03.2012. Testy match has been arranged for the 4th August 2012, IH expects 15 or 16 to go. MH to have 50th birthday drink starting at 1.00pm 22.02.2012 at the Black Eagle, Hockley, Birmingham. No social report took place; the outgoing social secretary suggested the position should be reviewed. The annual dinner was organised by MP and PB and 19 are going so far.

Tour Report.
Cambridge was the favoured tour venue and it was decided not to go to Belgium this year. 

The Captain for next season will be MH and Vice Captain to be JH.

                                                                Proposed            Seconded

Social Secretary                IH                            MH                         KG

Treasurer                          DFF                         KG                         JH

50 Club                            PF                           MP                         PG

Fixtures                           KS                           DB                         LW

The position of Secretary to be filled by the next meeting.

Date of next meeting
05.01.12 George and Dragon 8.30pm.

Meeting closed 10.12pm.

Minutes: MAH. Web page: PJF: 24/11/12

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Web page prepared by Paul Fearon (c) Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club 2012