Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club : Match Reports 2004

Opposition: Royal Brussels
Date : 30th May 2004
Start Time :  
Venue : Away
Competition : Friendly. 25 overs
Result : Abandoned rain.
Report :  
Toss :  


Weather: Rain presumably.

Sorry no match report

There were 10 Players a side.
Stuart Robinson  and Ike Iqbal guested for the Nomads who had lost Pete Gardner due to a broken collar bone.

The team got lost (for the second time) on their way to the ground.

John Hoddy has supplied some digital photos that will appear on the site soon.

Royal Brussels
Howard ct. P. Smith b. Robinson  20
Raj        ct. Ike         b. Rowland      38
Steve Robinson Run Out (Ike)         0
Lodge                      b. Ike                 3
Collins   lbw             b. Rowland       2
Widdins                   b. Rowland       0
Hutchins             not out                  12
Boher                      b. Ike                  6
Iqbal                  ct. & b. Ike               1
Anderson                b. Caygill        14

Total    106 all out
J. Hoddy   not out              22
R. Caygill       b. Anderson  2
G. Blackburn b. Anderson  0
S. Robinson ct. wkt b. Anderson 0
P. Smith lbw Hutchins         0
Ike Iqbal                  not out 26
C. Rowland       dnb
M. Pinfield         dnb
P. Blackburn     dnb
M. Heslington    dnb
Extras                             3
Total                             53 for 4 wickets
Heslington 2-0-5-0;                           P. Blackburn 4-1-26-0
Stuart Robinson (Guest) 5-0-28-1; C. Rowland 5-1-11-3
Ike Iqbal (Guest) 4-2-9-3;                 Caygill 2-0-19-1
C. Hutchins 4-2-8-1; Anderson 3-1-3-3
M. Baker 3-0-13-0;   Iqbal 3-0-27-0


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Web page prepared by Paul Fearon (c) Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club 2004