Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club : Match Reports 2008

Opposition: Etwall
Date : 13th July 2008
Start Time : 2:00pm
Venue : Away.
Competition : Friendly
Result : Lost by 189 runs
Report : P. Fearon
Toss :  
Umpires: Sos Hughes
Scorer: P. Willis
Weather: Warm, sunny
 See Also
Etwall CC Website
Etwall 244 for 5
Lichfield Nomads 55 for 9 (all out)
Etwall beat Lichfield Nomads by 189 runs.

Nomads second best to impressive Etwall
A stronger than expected Etwall, including several first teamers, were too good for the Nomads on the day. Injuries to Heslington (Heel) and Fearon (Hamstring) also took their toll as the Nomads slumped to their second worst defeat ever by 189 runs. The positives were 4 wickets for skipper H
ughes and some good catches by the fielders. All in all it's just another rick at Etwall.

Etwall batted first and opener Butterworth played some attractive strokes including a sweet straight six on his way to 90.




Etwall         Lichfield Nomads      
How Out Bowler Total How Out Bowler Total
S. Butterworth ct. sub Hughes 90   D. Moss ct & b Harding 15
D. Corcoran ct. Edwards Hughes  6   K. Stanley lbw Hennessey  9
A. Smith ct. Moss Hughes  2   I. Hughes ct Hennessey  4
D. Helliwell b. Moss 48   M. Pinfield b Hennessey  1
K. Cheetham ct Edwards Hughes  6   R. Caygill b Harding  1
R. Helliwell Not Out   42   N. Weir run out    4
L. Kennison Not Out   21   P. Fearon b. Lomas  7
          N. Edwards ct Lomas  0
          G. Blackburn ct & b Corcoran  3
          D. Pickering not out    0
          M. Heslington injured dnb    
    Extras 29       Extras 11
    Total for 5 wickets 244       Total for 9 wkts (all out) 55
Fall of wickets:  38(2), 56(3), 137(1), 163(5), 181(4) Fall of wickets: 25(1), 30(3), 31(4), 32(5), 42(6), 43(2), 45(8), 55(7), 55(9)
Heslington 4-1-12-0; Moss 8-0-44-1
Edwards 8-0-34-0; Hughes 8-1-35-4
Fearon 8-0-45-0; Caygill 2-0-20-0
Pickering 2-0-36-0
J. Murray 5-2-18-0; Cort? 6-3-5-0
Harding 5-1-10-2; Hennessey 6-1-12-3
Lomas 4-2-5-2; Corcoran 2.2-2-0-1


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Web page prepared by Paul Fearon (c) Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club 2008