Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club : Match Reports 2008

Opposition: Blythe Bridge
Date : 21st Sept 2008
Start Time : 1:00pm
Venue : Away
Competition : Friendly
Result : Lost by 5 wkts
Report : P. Fearon
Toss : Lost
Umpires: Jennett, Hughes
Scorer: P. WIllis
Weather: Sunny, warm
 See Also
Blythe Bridge -Won by 7 wkts
16th Sep 2007
Blythe Bridge -Won by 83 runs
17th Sep 2006
Blythe Bridge:Won by 117 runs
18 Sep 05
Blythe Bridge: Won by 1 wkt
19 Sep 04
Blythe Bridge: Lost by 4 runs
21 Sep 03
Blythe Bridge: Won by 6 runs
22 Sep 02
Blythe Bridge v Lichfield Nomads

Nomads: 179 for 8
Blythe Bridge: 180 for 5

Nomads lose final match at Blythe Bridge thanks to Heathcote century
The Nomads lost their last match of the 2008 season at a sunny Blythe Bridge by 5 wickets. The Nomads squandered several chances to dismiss Heathcote, who took full advantage and went on to record an unbeaten century. The highlights for the Nomads were an important 80 partnership between Gardner(45) and Fearon(36) and 22 from a bleary eyed Moss, who had travelled up from the Isle of Wight overnight. Pete Blackburn picked up two late wickets to bring his season's tally to 10.

The Nomads were put in to bat and Stanley fell quickly to a good catch in the deep.


Lichfield Nomads         Blythe Bridge      
How Out Bowler Total How Out Bowler Total
P. Gardner ct. keeper Ball 45   Bradbury b. Hoddy  6
K. Stanley ct. Plant  2   Heathcote Not Out   100
P. Fearon lbw Nixon 36   Brassington b. Hoddy  0
G. Blackburn b. Ball  7   T Rowley b. Fearon  3
D. Forster ct. Ball  7   G Wright ct & b P. Blackburn 54
D. Moss   Podmore 22   C Ball b. P. Blackburn  5
I. Hughes   Plant 17   D. James Not Out    4
P. Blackburn   Plant  0   Maloney      
D. Pickering Not Out   11   M. Nixon      
K. Greaves Not Out    6   Podmore      
          P. Plant      
    Extras 30       Extras  8
b 7, lb 3, w 12, nb 8         b 1, lb 0, w 5, nb 2      
    Total for 8 wickets 179       Total for 5 wkts 180
Fall of wickets: 11(2), 91(3), 104(4), 106(1), 135(5), 148(6), 149(8), 168(7) Fall of wickets: 12(1), 12(3), 53(4), 162(5)
Maloney 7-1-35-0
Plant 8-1-18-3
Nixon 8-0-35-1
James 4-0-21-0
Ball 6-0-34-3
Podmore 8-1-22-1
Hoddy 8-1-22-2
Moss 6-0-36-0
Fearon 5-1-22-1
Hughes 3-0-28-0
Forster 4-0-23-0
Greaves 4-0-36-0
P. Blackburn 2.3-0-15-2


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Web page prepared by Paul Fearon (c) Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club 2008