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50 Club
Fantasy Cricket
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See Also

2012 - 50 Club Winners
2011 - 50 Club Winners
2010 - 50 Club Winners
2009 - 50 Club Winners
2008 - 50 Club Winners
2007 - 50 Club Winners
2006 - 50 Club Winners
2005 - 50 Club Winners
2004 - 50 Club Winners
2003 - 50 Club Winners
 2002 - 50 Club Winners
2011/2012 - 50 Club Winners.  
September 2012 No. 24 K. Greaves £15
No. 11 I. Hughes £10
August 2012 No. 43 Club No. £15
No. 15 P. Gardner £10
July 2012 No.  7 D. Brannigan £15
No.  4 L. Westwood £10
June 2012 No. 41 C. Rowland £15
No. 24 K. Greaves £10
May 2012 No. 29 M. Pinfield £15
No.  7 D. Brannigan £10
Easter 2012 No. 41 C. Rowland £25
April 2012 No. 40 C. Ball £15
No. 45 K. Collins £10
March 2012 No. 50 A. Hussein £15
No. 1 D. Forster £10
February 2012 No. 19 P. Fearon £15
No. 3 N. Weir. £10
January 2012 No. 31 Club No. £15
No. 6 J. Hoddy £10
Christmas 2011 No.3 N Weir £50
December 2011 No. 36 M. Heslington £15
No. 45 K. Collins £10
November 2011 No. 5 J. Hoddy £15
  No. 35 M. Heslington £10
October 2011 No. 24 K. Greaves £15
  No. 8 D. Forster £10
Previous News. The following draws were held at The Dog Inn after the defeat to D2.
Feb 1st (No. 19) P. Fearon 2nd (No.3) N. Weir.
March 1st (No. 50) A. Hussein, 2nd (No. 1) D. Forster
April 1st (No. 40) C. Ball, 2nd (No. 45) K. Collins
Easter (No. 41) C. Rowland 10th June 2012.
10th June 2012
  The following 50 Club draws took place after the Thursday Indoor Nets:
October. 1st - No. 24 K. Greaves (£15), 2nd - No. 8 D. Forster (£10).

November. 1st No. 5 J. Hoddy, 2nd - No. 35 M. Heslington
December. 1st - No. 36 M. Heslington, 2nd - No. 45 K. Collins
Christmas Draw. No.3 N Weir
January. 1st - No. 31 Club No., 2nd - No. 6 J. Hoddy

Updated 8th Nov 2012

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Web page prepared by Paul Fearon (c) Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club 2012