Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club: Annual General Meeting 2001

Minutes of the twentieth annual general meeting of the club held at the Duke of York pub on 25th October 2001.

Present: DF, MH, RJ, PG, JH, KG, PH, CR, AH, and PF.

Apologies: MP.

Start: 8.17pm. Conditions: So So

Matters arising from 2000 AGM minutes.

RJ thanked everybody for attending.

RJ asked about constitutional review, to date nothing had happened. A date for this meeting to be fixed.

JH asked about Barry Howcroft.

 Minutes proposed by DF, seconded by JH.


DF gave a detailed report, (Copy given out at meeting). Any one who wished to inspect the book is welcome. PS and PB did not pay. Cost of two nets should be maintained.

RJ thanked DF for his comprehensive report, which raised a number of issues. These were net and match fees and a proposal that engraving will be paid for by the club (P-DF, S-PG and carried). CR said membership should be discussed later. A discussion on net fees and match fees took place, PH said the £3.00 net fee was peanuts and JH said that match fees were only raised last year. The vote on the proposal that the match fee be reduced to £5.00 was KG, JH, PH, and DF for. MH, CR, AH against and PG abstaining. The vote for reducing the net fee was 1 for 6 against 1 abstention. Membership fee to remain at £10.00

RJ thanked DF

Beer break at 8.55pm.

50 Club

Income virtually identical to last year. MP behind on payments. PW to be paid by RJ. KG working his debt down paid out £10.00 less in prizes due to club taking numbers. Treasurer £152.00 better off. JH has paid. KF did not win so may not take up his numbers. 41 made an appearance. PF has drafted his letter; we must keep targeting new members.

RJ thanked PF.


A very very brief report that is not recorded!

RJ thanked MH

Captains Report

A long season. 5 games were close, 4 we lost and 3 we were outplayed but drew 2 of them. Mentions for PG and MH including 140 partnership, other people did not perform needs to improve next year, Enjoyed 67 partnership with DC at Trentside. AH had some good innings toward the end. Congrats to PG for getting to 10000 runs. Everybody bowled well DC included for his 20 wickets. Very few matches where we gave away more extras than the opposition. Congrats to PF for his 250 wkts and CR for his 300 wkts. Fielding pretty good considering not too many easy catches dropped. Congrats to KG for his 8 catches and to DC for his consistent fielding. We lack concentration when fielding; JH would have liked to do a bit more with the batting order bowling ok as was the fielding positions. Will do better next year.

RJ thanked JH comprehensive and to the point

Fixtures and Pitches

Promised report did not materialise.

RJ thanked MP especially for Olton and WW and Australian fixtures.


Agreed to keep two aisles at indoor nets. Outdoor nets at Barton very useful


DF made a proposal for spring-loaded stumps. RJ said the normal stumps are becoming more difficult to fix. AH said we should get Barton to sort it out. RJ said it should be pushed through but defers it to the November meeting. Heavy bails needed, net balls and match balls to be purchased. KG said that if the stumps are not straight it isn’t right. PF said there should be an alternative. We need a bit. RJ said the pitch is a disgrace at times. CR stated it is worth writing to Holland ssc about this. Fixtures sec should do this.

Beer break 9.40pm

Golden Gonad Award

KG thought that the award overtook some batsmen’s thinking, which is fair comment. DF said that it was a quirky award that is unique to the club and it should be kept. RJ said it would be a shame if it were scrapped. AH said some people have made themselves unavailable at the end of the season to avoid a gonad. RJ stated it is not an issue.


No report.


RJ would like to see us tour this year. PG has a phone number. PS has met someone from another Mechelen side. There may be a Dutch connection. June next year. RJ said we should resurrect the tour committee. PG to set wheels in motion.

Election of officers



Secretary MH AH PH

Treasurer DF MH CR

Vice-Treasurer PF DF JH

Social Secretary DC PH PG

Fixtures Secretary MP PF AH

Finish 10.06pm

Next meeting, Duke of York, 29.11.01



Nomad of the Year 2002 voting form:



I wish to vote for…………………………………………………………









If any member wishes to stand for office, indicate by putting an X against your choice.













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