Lichfield Nomads Fantasy Cricket League 2002: Week 10

Results after Week 10.

Gardner This time it's serious 3110 440
Hussein Withdrawl Symptoms 3056 288
Jennett Quackety Quack 2866 393
Cartwright Staying up with The Dingles 2842 392
Fearon Derek Randall's Grin 2736 438
Rowland Uphill into the wind 2702 253
Heslington April Showers 2002 2677 369
Willis Ormond Ate My Hamster 2642 415
Pinfield Boing Boing Baggies 2619 424

Top score and top spot for Gards this week as the Sheikh and Rowland found it hard work uphill into the wind. Plenty for you Trescothick holders to think about. Can you make a better fist of it than the England selectors?

Do not use "The Whale" mailbox as it is not functioning.

Cheers, Pete.

Daily Telegraph Fantasy Cricket Website - 2001 Results - 2000 Results - 1999 Results

Statistics by Pete Willis. Web Page prepared by Paul Fearon
Last Update 22/7/2002

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