Lichfield Nomads Fantasy Cricket League 2004: Week 18. Final Results

Results after Week 18.

    Last week This week Total
Heslington April Showers 20050 472 20522
Jennett May Blossom 19673 819 20492
Pinfield Best when rested 18262 543 18805
Willis Beached Whale XI 17333 763 18096
Rowland Lazarus is back 17051 844 17896
Fearon (PJ) Derek Randall's Grin 15969 737 16706
Evans (P) Welsh Wizard 15315 664 15979
Gardner Six and ouch! 12662 845 13507
Evans (M) Ev's Team 12876 474 13350

Pete Gardner top scored with 845 points in the final week to ensure the wooden spoon was avoided after spending the whole summer at the bottom of the table.

Mark Heslington won the coveted title (just!) after a poor final week but managed to hold off the terrier like Jennett who finished just 30 points behind in second place. Mal Pinfield confirmed third spot, a position he had held for most of the competition.

Results after Week 17.

    Last week This week Total
Heslington April Showers 19579 471 20050
Jennett May Blossom 18545 1128 19673
Pinfield Best when rested 17444 818 18262
Willis Beached Whale XI 16980 353 17333
Rowland Lazarus is back 16409 642 17051
Fearon (PJ) Derek Randall's Grin 15307 662 15969
Evans (P) Welsh Wizard 14524 791 15315
Evans (M) Ev's Team 12662 218 12876
Gardner Six and ouch! 11970 692 12662

Ray Jennett top scored with 1,128 points to close the gap at the top of the table to 377 points. There was no change in any of the positions and with only one week left it looks like Mark Heslington has it in the bag.

No details available for weeks 15 and 16.

Results after Week 14.

    Last week This week Total
Heslington April Showers 15808 1398 17206
Jennett May Blossom 15622 1086 16708
Pinfield Best when rested 14642 965 15607
Willis Beached Whale XI 13725 719 14444
Rowland Lazarus is back 12243 1207 13450
Fearon (PJ) Derek Randall's Grin 12701 694 13395
Evans (P) Welsh Wizard 11667 918 12585
Evans (M) Ev's Team 10503 620 11123
Gardner Six and ouch! 8546 1082 9628

Mark Heslington top scored with 1,398 points to stretch the gap at the top of the table. Chris Rowland swaps places with Paul Fearon and moves back into fifth place.


Results after Week 13.

    Last week This week Total
Heslington April Showers 14206 1602 15808
Jennett May Blossom 14416 1206 15622
Pinfield Best when rested 13293 1349 14642
Willis Beached Whale XI 12133 1592 13725
Fearon (PJ) Derek Randall's Grin 10880 1821 12701
Rowland Lazarus is back 11017 1226 12243
Evans (P) Welsh Wizard 10324 1343 11667
Evans (M) Ev's Team 9882 614 10503
Gardner Six and ouch! 7890 656 8546

Paul Fearon top scored with 1,821 points, to swap places with Chris Rowland and move back into fifth place. Mark Heslington was the second highest weekly scorer and bounced back to regain the league from Ray Jennett.

Results after Week 12.

    Last week This week Total
Jennett May Blossom 13461 955 14416
Heslington April Showers 13575 631 14206
Pinfield Best when rested 12101 1192 13293
Willis Beached Whale XI 11267 866 12133
Rowland Lazarus is back 10078 939 11017
Fearon (PJ) Derek Randall's Grin 10415 465 10880
Evans (P) Welsh Wizard 9556 768 10324
Evans (M) Ev's Team 8972 917 9882
Gardner Six and ouch! 7523 367 7890

Mal Pinfield top scored with 1192 points. Ray Jennett was the second highest weekly scorer and overtook April Showers to move into the lead after week 12. Chris Rowland's Lazarus is back moved above Derek Randall's Grin into fifth place.

Results after Week 11.

    Last week This week Total
Heslington April Showers 12088 1487 13575
Jennett May Blossom 11692 1769 13461
Pinfield Best when rested 10806 1295 12101
Willis Beached Whale XI 9581 1686 11267
Fearon (PJ) Derek Randall's Grin 8916 1499 10415
Rowland Lazarus is back 8675 1403 10078
Evans (P) Welsh Wizard 8517 1039 9556
Evans (M) Ev's Team 8073 899 8972
Gardner Six and ouch! 7142 381 7523

The league positions are still the same after week 11. Ray Jennett top scored with 1,769 points, to close right up on Heslington's April Showers. Pete Willis scored 1,686 to put Mal Pinfield under pressure in third place.

Results after Week 10.

    Last week This week Total
Heslington April Showers 10966 1122 12088
Jennett May Blossom 10486 1206 11692
Pinfield Best when rested 9381 1425 10806
Willis Beached Whale XI 8619 962 9581
Fearon (PJ) Derek Randall's Grin 7434 1482 8916
Rowland Lazarus is back 7892 783 8675
Evans (P) Welsh Wizard 8178 339 8517
Evans (M) Ev's Team 7388 685 8073
Gardner Six and ouch! 6745 397 7142

For once the top two didn't top score this week. Fearon (1482) and Pinfield (1425) led the way. However the top 4 positions remain unchanged. Paul Fearon moves up to fifth spot.

Results after Week 9.

    Last week This week Total
Heslington April Showers 9879 1087 10966
Jennett May Blossom 9429 1057 10486
Pinfield Best when rested 8540 841 9381
Willis Beached Whale XI 7917 702 8619
Evans (P) Welsh Wizard 7678 500 8178
Rowland Lazarus is back 7348 544 7892
Fearon (PJ) Derek Randall's Grin 6991 443 7434
Evans (M) Ev's Team 6654 734 7388
Gardner Six and ouch! 6160 585 6745

Mark Heslington top scored again in week 9 with 1087 points and extends his lead. Ray Jennett was second again and increases the gap on Mal Pinfield in third place.

Results after Week 8.

    Last week This week Total
Heslington April Showers 8480 1399 9879
Jennett May Blossom 8205 1224 9429
Pinfield Best when rested 7806 734 8540
Willis Beached Whale XI 7074 843 7917
Evans (P) Welsh Wizard 7267 411 7678
Rowland Lazarus is back 6663 685 7348
Fearon (PJ) Derek Randall's Grin 6526 465 6991
Evans (M) Ev's Team 6122 532 6654
Gardner Six and ouch! 5567 593 6160

Mark Heslington top scored in week 8 with 1399 points and extends his lead. Ray Jennett was second and increases the gap on Mal Pinfield in third place.

Results after Week 7.

    Last week This week Total
Heslington April Showers 7509 971 8480
Jennett May Blossom 7114 1091 8205
Pinfield Best when rested 6560 1246 7806
Evans (P) Welsh Wizard 6282 985 7267
Willis Beached Whale XI 6114 960 7074
Rowland Lazarus is back 5840 823 6663
Fearon (PJ) Derek Randall's Grin 5753 1016 6526
Evans (M) Ev's Team 5440 682 6122
Gardner Six and ouch! 5372 195 5567

Mal Pinfield top scored in week 7 with 1246 points and consolidates his third place position. Ray Jennett was second and closes the gap on Mark Heslington, who still leads the field.

Results after Week 6.

    Last week This week Total
Heslington April Showers 7262 247 7509
Jennett May Blossom 6512 602 7114
Pinfield Best when rested 6321 239 6560
Evans (P) Welsh Wizard 5939 343 6282
Willis Beached Whale XI 5759 355 6114
Rowland Lazarus is back 5378 462 5840
Fearon (PJ) Derek Randall's Grin 5689   64 5753
Evans (M) Ev's Team 5032 408 5440
Gardner Six and ouch! 4987 385 5372

Mark Heslington's 'April Showers' stays top despite Ray Jennett's weekly best of 602 points.

Results after Week 5.

    Last week This week Total
Heslington April Showers 6079 1183 7262
Jennett May Blossom 5374 1138 6512
Pinfield Best when rested 5259 1062 6321
Evans (P) Welsh Wizard 5165 774 5939
Willis Beached Whale XI 4926 833 5759
Fearon (PJ) Derek Randall's Grin 4878 811 5689
Rowland Lazarus is back 4455 923 5378
Evans (M) Ev's Team 4463 569 5032
Gardner Six and ouch! 4571 416 4987

Mark Heslington's 'April Showers' top scored once more to open up what is looking like an unassailable lead at the top of the table, Jennett and Pinfield are clear in second and third spots.

Results after Week 4.

    Last week This week Total
Heslington April Showers 3095 1347 6079
Jennett May Blossom 2636 1237 5374
Pinfield Best when rested 3058 1003 5259
Evans (P) Welsh Wizard 3168 1008 5165
Willis Beached Whale XI 2962 738 4926
Fearon (PJ) Derek Randall's Grin 3625 1253 4878
Gardner Six and ouch! 2479 818 4571
Evans (M) Ev's Team 2393 837 4463
Rowland Lazarus is back 2634 967 4455

Mark Heslington's 'April Showers' top scored for the third week running in week 4 and he extends his lead at the top of the table, Ray Jennett's 'May Blossom' moves up to second place after scoring the third best score of the week.

Results after Week 3.

    This week Total
Heslington April Showers 1525 4620
Pinfield Best when rested 1009 4067
Willis Beached Whale XI 1057 4019
Jennett May Blossom 1369 4005
Evans (P) Welsh Wizard 800 3968
Gardner Six and ouch! 1105 3584
Evans (M) Ev's Team 1121 3514
Rowland Lazarus is back 854 3488
Fearon (PJ) Derek Randall's Grin 1159 3625

Mark Heslington's 'April Showers' top scored once again in week 3 and he now tops the table ahead of Pinfield's 'Best when rested'.

Results after Week 2.

    Last week This week Total
Evans (P) Welsh Wizard 1886 1282 3168
Heslington April Showers 1211 1884 3095
Pinfield Best when rested 1484 1574 3058
Willis Beached Whale XI 1501 1461 2962
Jennett May Blossom 1701 933 2636
Rowland Lazarus is back 1528 1106 2634
Gardner Six and ouch! 1220 1259 2479
Fearon (PJ) Derek Randall's Grin 1120 1346 2466
Evans (M) Ev's Team 1129 1264 2393

Mark Heslington top scored in week 2 and moves into second place behind Phil Evans' Welsh Wizards.

Results after Week 1.

    This week Total
Evans (P) Welsh Wizard 1886 1886
Jennett May Blossom 1701 1701
Rowland Lazarus is back 1528 1528
Willis Beached Whale XI 1501 1501
Pinfield Best when rested 1484 1484
Gardner Six and ouch! 1220 1220
Heslington April Showers 1211 1211
Evans (M) Ev's Team 1129 1129
Fearon (PJ) Derek Randall's Grin 1120 1120


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Statistics by Ray Jennett.
Last Update 13/7/2004

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