Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club: Fantasy Cricket League 2010

Here are the final standings after week 17
M A Heslington, Club Secretary.

      fantasy circket league 2010      
      week 17      
position points position     points Total
week16 week16 week 17 team name team manager week 17 Points
1 14804 1 BEACHED WHALE XV 2010 PETER WILLIS 937 15741
2 14601 2 APRIL SHOWERS Mark HESLINGTON 984 15585
3 13163 3 first among equals malcolm pinfield 844 14007
4 12921 4 SWANN VESTAS PAUL FEARON 819 13740
5 12519 5 SPADILLE XI neul wier 650 13169
6 12345 6 rusty old helmet cc daniel moss 746 13091
7 12070 7 blackburn's rovers peter blackburn 544 12614
9 11613 8 eddie's eagles nigel edwards 633 12246
8 11664 9 hughesy's hustlers ian hughes 498 12162
10 11565 10= HODDS AND SODS john hoddy 476 12041
11 11505 10= pies and prejudice cristopher rowland 536 12041
12 11152 12 babyhead cc graeme blackburn 693 11845
13 10833 13 allez lez rouges peter gardner 406 11239
14 10142 14 "yes, no, yes, wait, sorry!" david forster 539 10681
15 9648 15 WESTIES BUCKETS lee westwood 939 10587
16 8076 16 NEW BALL FODDER C.C. nicholas george 459 8535

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Daily Telegraph Fantasy Cricket Website

Statistics by Mark Heslington
Web Site by Paul Fearon
Last Update 29th Sep 2010

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Web page prepared by Paul Fearon (c) Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club 2010