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Lichfield Nomads C.C. : All Time Club Career Records at October 2002
P.L. Gardner 11139 156* (#)
M.E.R. Pinfield 5097 87*
M.A. Heslington 4018 80*
P.J. Fearon 2370 105
R. J. Ings 1675 172
M. Fellows 1501 94
A. Hussein 1322 63 (#)
C.A. Rowland 957 60
S.G. George 845 54*
D. May 830 73
D. Forster 754 43*
K. M. Fisher 721 74*
J. Hoddy 692 37*
P. Higginson 527 43 (#)
P.J. Blackburn 414 20
P.G. Willis 411 20
R. Caygill 384 52*
D. Moss 282 62* (#)
D. Cartwright ** 220 50* (#)
S. Shohet ** 217 24
R. Allison 170 72
K. Greaves 154 15* (#)
M. McGuinness 119 24*
R. Grewer ** 90 36
R. Jennett  76 7
P. Smith 47 14*
N. Tungate 43 7*
B. Howcroft 24 24
N. Hemmings** 13 5
J. Roberts 12 12 (#)
P. Moore 11 11 (#)
S. Newey 11 11
D. Pickering 5 5 (#)
G. Coleman  2 2 (#)


M.A. Heslington 407 7 - 11
C.A. Rowland 301 6 - 40
P.J. Fearon 277 7 - 40
S.G. George 184 6 - 31
K. Greaves 100 5 - 6
J. Hoddy 97 6 - 26 (#)
P.J. Blackburn 89 4 - 9
D. Forster 67 4 - 18
D. Cartwright ** 58 4 - 46
P.G. Willis 52 4 - 17
P. Higginson 50 4 - 23 (#)
M. Fellows 30 5 - 24
R.J. Jennett 30 4 - 39
R.J. Ings 25 4 - 21
N. Tungate 17 2 - 7
D. Moss 15 4 - 34
N. Hemmings** 7 2 - 40
S. Newey 3 2 - 26
D. Pickering 2 1 - 6 (#)
G. Blackburn 2 1 - 10
J. Roberts 2 2 - 27(#)


(#) Personal Best achieved this season.

** Unconfirmed. Some scores missing

Not all statistics are available. These figures are based on current members and those players that appeared in the All Time Statistics last published at the end of the 1996 season which excluded a number of major contributors who had not appeared for the club for several years.


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Web page prepared by Paul Fearon (c) Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club 2003