Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club: Fantasy Cricket League 2011

Here are the final standings for 2011

Congratulations to Dan Moss who is the winner this year holding off a late challenge from Willis while Heslington pipped the Skipper to third spot.

1 MOSS Rusty Old Helmet C C 16951
2 WILLIS Beached Whale XI 16845
3 HESLINGTON April Showers 16130
4 WESTWOOD Westie's Buckets 16028
5 GARDNER Flannelled Fools 15645
6 FORSTER Norfolk and Chance 15324
7 N.GEORGE HRH Prince George's XI 14856
8 PINFIELD Baggie Greenings 14705
9 ROWLAND Broadacres 14490
10 FEARON Broad Shoulders 13751
11 HODDY Hods 'n' Sods 12986
12 S.GEORGE HRH King George's XI 11434

Regards Pete


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Web Site by Paul Fearon
Last Update 12th May 2011

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Web page prepared by Paul Fearon (c) Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club 2012